Thursday, October 9, 2008


We at okc2pdx have been trying to do regular updates. Unfortunately, the craziness of the move put us a bit behind. Then we got more and more behind. And the few people that may still be reading this are wondering if we will ever update again. Let us try to do a quick updated of the past month, then we can get on to new topics.
  • We got our keys to the condo at the end of August. Not much story there, except our place is AWESOME! Two stories, garage, brand new, and just a few blocks from the MAX line.
  • Max and Erma's reunion was rough at first, but each week it got better and better. Lots of hissing, growling, and swatting (and that was just Max). Erma did growl her way into getting Max to retreat up the stairs once. Now they are best buddies again.
  • After Labor Day our 6,500 pounds of stuff arrived. It was quite nice to see our stuff marched off the truck and into our home. We are mostly unpacked now, just don't look in the garage.
  • Our car took a while to get up here, but it made it all right. Now our Prius feels right at home with all the other Prii around.
We thought the stress of relocating wasn't enough, so we took a trip to Austin at the end of September. Actually, we had planned to go to ACL for months. Now we are back, no more travel on the schedule, and are getting ready for fall.

Phew, now we are caught up!

1 comment:

from m to b said...

I always enjoy a good recap. I am glad to see that you have finally gotten your stuff from the OK.